Algolia is a powerful search engine that helps users to find the exact product they are looking for in a matter of milliseconds
Instantly display results while the user is still typing. 50 milliseconds after typing, the user is already watching results.
Typo Tolerance
It doesn't matter if the user makes a typo in his search, Algolia understands these mistakes and returns results according to what the user wanted to write.
Synonims Recognition
Identify when the user wrote a word that is not registered in your product catalog, but in reality, is a synonym of a product that you manage within your inventory.
Search recommendation
Recomienda posibles términos de búsquedas para ahorrarle tiempo a tu usuario y que pueda encuentrar más rápido el producto que quiere comprar
Search Personalization
Personalize the search of your users. Show the best products for each of your customers and increase the conversion to sale of your online store.
Product Ranking
Decide which products to show first under certain phrases or search terms. In this way you will have greater control of the products that customers see.
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