What it is, what it's used for, and how to do it.

UX Writing is the practice of conceptualizing and writing the words that users see when they interact with any digital product.
We live in the era of scrolling, where content that doesn't capture our attention in the first 5 seconds is easily passed over and replaced with others.
And this is precisely why UX Writing is necessary!
All internet users know how to write, and we do it 24/7 to interact on social media and communicate via WhatsApp. However, crafting content for digital platforms (websites, mobile applications, etc.) poses different challenges than writing for other digital mediums like blogs, social media, or other publications.
One of the biggest challenges of UX Writing is finding the shortest way to say things without sacrificing clarity and authenticity, in order to captivate the audience that visits our platforms and meet the needs they're seeking while providing them with a good browsing experience.
In this article, you will learn what UX Writing is, its purpose, what UX Writers do, and key principles to create compelling UX Writing for your digital platforms.
¿What is UX Writing?
UX writing is the practice of thinking and writing the words that users see when they interact with any digital product. It involves finding the shortest way to say things while striving to maintain clarity and authenticity.
UX writing is the practice of designing and writing the conversation that a digital product has with the user.
Furthermore, it is often observed that users become frustrated and disappointed and leave a website, not because they dislike the design, but simply because they do not understand what we are asking them to do.
Reasons why a user abandons an app or website:
They don't understand what they are being asked to complete.
They are not familiar with technical terms.
They can't find the price or cost of shipping.
They don't understand what will happen when they proceed to the next step in their purchase.
They can't find the information they are looking for.
They encountered an error message that was too alarming.
Essentially, UX Writing is an extension of User Experience Design (UX) that aims to define the most appropriate words and sentences that are conveyed to the user while they use a digital tool.
It's important to understand that UX Writing is closely linked to Design Thinking, as it, like this methodology, allows for problem-solving during the design and development of products and services.
By implementing soft skills in research, such as empathy and a deep understanding of the factors that can be problematic for the user when using their application, UX Writing helps to focus on addressing these challenges.
What is the purpose of UX Writing?
Among the many elements that make up a digital platform (photos, illustrations, texts, etc.), text is the most important of all.
The most significant contribution of UX Writing is to improve the user experience (UX) of a web or mobile application.
On the other hand, UX Writing is linked to information presented in buttons, menus, controls, chatbots, page loading, forms, error messages, modal or popup screens, informational messages, and usage instructions or tutorials, as well as other content within the graphical interface of an app.
Because of this, it aids in the design of the User Interface (UI) of a program by focusing its research on improving the flow and continuity of steps and processes necessary for the proper functioning of the computer system.
Who can be UX Writers?
People who create content in digital environments, such as UX designers or copywriters who want to become UX Writers.
Professionals who want to focus on content for interfaces and user experience.
In general, anyone who wants to improve their writing skills or learn the process of creating user-centric content.
What do UX Writers do?
A UX Writer is a specialist in managing information regarding language, including grammar, spelling, voice, and tone of the text—essential elements for proper web content writing.
Skills that a UX Writer should have:
Knowledge of the brand or product: This entails a complete understanding of the product in order to explain it in an easy way to a user.
Synthesis and abstraction: The ability to synthesize complex functionalities of digital platforms into simple and precise processes, allowing users to interact functionally, is the goal to achieve.
Anticipation: A UX Writer must anticipate the needs of the end user to maximize the effectiveness of the content and minimize errors.
Research: Does the language sound cold or condescending when errors occur? Which demographic groups need this application? How does it make users feel? Do the texts reflect the essence of the brand or product?
Key activities of a UX Writer:
Collaborating with UI designers, UX designers, and front-end developers of the system.
Researching the target market to speak its language.
Evaluating and testing hypotheses generated throughout the development process.
Keeping up with the latest trends in UX Writing.
Maintaining continuous communication with the marketing and copywriting department to create and follow a consistent style.
Generating clear, easy-to-understand, and concise microcopy.
Adhering to the brand's tone and web writing practices.
Differences between UX Writing and UX Copywriting:
The main difference between UX Writers and Copywriters lies in the perceived objective of the writing.
Copywriters have a more advertising-focused objective aimed at potential customers, such as increasing sales or achieving other types of conversions or business goals.
In contrast, UX Writers are not focused on storytelling or grabbing the user's attention. Their aim is to solve problems and ensure that the user understands the functioning of the application they are using.
Key differences between UX Writing and UX Copywriting:
UX Copywriting is aimed at promoting a business objective, while UX Writing aims to provide assistance to the user of an application.
UX Writing is implemented for the users of an application, not for users with a potential customer profile.
UX Writing is more technical than creative, unlike UX Copywriting.
UX Writing is more closely related to microcopy than UX Copywriting.
UX Copywriting is more focused on marketing processes than UX.
UX Copywriting can be done by a single Copywriter, whereas UX Writing requires a team of UX Writers.
Copywriters seek to prompt specific actions from the reader, while UX Writing aims to guide or complete specific tasks.
UX Writers are not focused on storytelling, but on problem-solving and facilitating the proper functioning of a digital tool.
It's important to note that both profiles can work in both areas; it just requires the appropriate training and expertise.
Keys to achieving efficient UX Writing:
Creating simple UX copy is not an easy task. Make sure to answer these questions to guide yourself:
Is the text user-friendly?
How does it make your users feel?
Do you believe it communicates exactly what you want to convey?
Does the copy make sense within the flow?
Is it written consistently with the rest of the copy?
Do your texts reflect the spirit of the brand or product?
Do they have the correct tone?
Do they humanize the tool?
Some keys to improve your UX copy:
Be concise and efficient.
Use the fewest words possible while maintaining meaning.
Adapt the text and its length to each type of screen (responsive design).
Address the reader directly.
Eliminate technical jargon and hard-to-understand words.
Avoid being intrusive.